Version 2.0

  • Features
    • Added a new monster: water slime (fast, but squishy).
    • Added a crafting system with new items:
      • Slime Ball (Dropped by slimes).
      • Water Slime Ball (Dropped by the newly added water slime).
      • Water Bucket (Dropped by water slime or purchased at the store).
      • Bucket (Obtained after using a Water Bucket in a craft).
    • Replaced the ScriptableAction system with a more versatile command-based system (ICommand):
      • Uses a subclass selector to select the command to execute.
      • Allows for easier authoring of new commands.
      • Provides better inspector visuals.
      • Doesn't require a ScriptableObject instance (like ScriptableAction did).
      • Integrates with Unity's Event System using a CommandHandler.
    • Added a "GameObjects" palette to quickly populate your maps with prefabs.
    • Added a scene overlay to navigate through the available scenes.
    • Added new commands to open a shop or craft menu.
    • Added item categories and inventory tabs.
    • Revamped the monster spawner system:
      • Added 2 separate implementations:
        • MonsterAreaSpawner: spawns a monster anywhere within a collider's area.
        • MonsterSpawner: spawns a monster at one specific location.
      • Added a max monster count setting to the monster spawner.
    • Added ExecuteCommandIf to create a branch in a command execution flow.
    • Added PlayDialogueLine to execute a single line of dialogue without a proper DialogueSequence.
    • Added a level requirement to quests, making unlocked quests not available until a certain level is reached.
    • Added events for when an item is equipped or unequipped.
    • Reworked the condition system:
      • Uses a subclass selector to select the condition to evaluate.
      • Supports nesting of conditions, condition lists with operators, and negation.
      • Easily extendable to add new conditions.
      • Improved memory efficiency compared to the previous system in place.
      • Integrates with the command system to check for conditions in any execution flow.
    • Reworked the interaction system:
      • Introduced the Entity class, serving as the base class for all entities in the game.
      • Extended the interaction system to work with non-NPC entities.
      • Updated all NPCs and interactions to use the new system.
    • Reworked the save system to introduce a database to manage references to ScriptableObject:
      • Added DatabaseEntry: a base class for a ScriptableObject that can be referenced by a GUID.
      • Added DatabaseEntryReference: a serializable class used to reference a ScriptableObject using its GUID (in a save file).
  • Fixes
    • Fixed a MissingReferenceException in some specific cases when using UINavigationCursor.
    • Fixed an incorrect character reference being sent to ANPCInteraction.Interact(sender).
    • Fixed the "Stolen Heirloom" quest by re-adding the missing item in its chest.
    • Fixed the Necromancer death animation when finishing the quest "Necromancy In The Vicinity".
    • Fixed the MonsterSpawner prespawn not properly working with conditional activators.
    • Fixed a rare MissingReferenceException occurrence with the UINavigationCursor.
    • Fixed corrupted saved files after restarting the game.

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